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The Book

I never fancied myself a writer. In fact, growing up writing was always praised and correlated to a child’s ability to read. As a young’un I wasn’t much for reading… so my writing wasn’t exactly called great. (I can’t even say that it was called good.) In short, I didn’t write “for fun” unless I was writing a travel journal... until January 2015.

Under no circumstances am I calling myself comfortable with the written word, a master of the craft, or ::gasp:: a writer. But, having written weekly for the past two years, I am interested in taking on a new communication-oriented challenge: A book.

It was brought to my attention several months ago that the lessons I’ve learned in my entries are worthy of sharing with a larger audience. Since I don’t promote my weekly musings beyond my very small e-mail list, and don’t write for the reader who hasn’t yet met me, this idea scared and intrigued me. In fact, these week-by-week play-by-plays could oftentimes be considered (vague) updates with life lessons more than random journal posts. 

Leveraging the advice of my mentors I’m starting to write a book which chronicles my personal and professional development over the past three years. Starting with the emotional deplaning of a startup rocket ship, to the subsequent rollercoaster of employment opportunities (including but not limited to job-related PTSD), and ending with how I regained my sense of employ-ability. It’s part memoir, part autobiography, part self-help, and part how-to. My personal opinion is not worthy of its own book, but how I applied the recommendations of my mentors warrants documentation. My feeling is that their advice deserves to be recognized and applauded. 

The book is my way of extending their impact on me and help others to overcome their employment-oriented struggles. 

Though I will miss my weekly musings, I may return every so often to provide an update, share a story, or document a goings-on in my life. But, I wanted to close the loop, finish the year strong, and let my journal know:

I’m writing a book in 2017. Words of encouragement are… encouraged.

Debra Swersky